The huge complex of post WWII buildings that is Lincoln Place Apartments stretches in silence through a nice neighborhood in Venice Beach, California.
Security guards in navy uniforms lurk about, riding their bikes through the abandoned alleyways of empty garages and sad courtyards. They try to hit on me while I walk the dog through the stillness, and I humor them enough to gain free reign of the place. They are hired to keep vandals away, I guess.
That is understandable.
The grass and rot are already nibbling at the buildings. Seems like a passage out of "The World Without Us" or some similar piece of post-apocalypic pop culture. The tenants were kicked out long ago in a hotly disputed turf battle between low income residents and corporate developers seeking to turn a fat profit at the top of the market. Read more about the saga of Lincoln Place in City Beat's 2007 article.